The Full Story
Reiki Healing
What is Reiki?
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So "spiritually guided life force energy.” Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. This gift has been passed on for generations, as it was passed onto me during my training. It is transferred during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life. Its use is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds. This energy field is infinite and everything physical and material is connected to our energy field.
Reiki benefits for the mind, body and spirit.
Reiki has been shown to promote relaxation and offers many other benefits including:
Relieving pain stress and anxiety
Boosting the immune
Promoting natural self-healing
Improving sleep and mental clarity
Increasing feelings of peace and a meditative state
Supporting caregivers and those who are terminally ill
Increasing comfort before and after surgery
Helping negative side effects of chemo and radiation
A person can use Reiki as a complementary form of therapy for most medical conditions. Reiki has been shown to be particularly helpful with certain medical conditions, such as:​​
Anxiety/ Depression
Negative Patterns
Unhealthy relationships
Cancer Side Effects
Ovarian Disease
Digestive issues
Stress-related illnesses
What does Reiki feel like?
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. You may feel minimal sensation or just calm. At other times you may feel an emotional release or relief of pain in certain areas.
Is Reiki from a religion?
Reiki IS LOVE, IT IS LIGHT, and we ALL are made to use this energy to heal. We are vibrating energetic beings with access to universal love. While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki will work whether you believe in it or not.
Reiki Energy promotes harmony with others. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.
Reiki Disclaimer
Reiki will NEVER replace your doctor or psychologist. Do not STOP medications unless told by Dr. You should always remember to seek medical advice from YOUR doctor in the case of serious illness.
Reiki sessions should be used with the understanding that Reiki is part of a holistic treatment plan. Reiki is not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany and work along with it. Each person’s success is based on soooo many factors, including their belief system, habits, background, their dedication, motivation, and the time they can and will devote to achieving their success.
We cannot promise anything specific. Remember,
you hold the power to cure and heal yourself. Just EXACTLY like our acne program. I always act as a guide and then most of the work is done by you. I cannot wait to share this with you!

To support you through the healing process by sending universal reiki energy to help release and let go of energies that block and that no longer serve your higher good. To channel Reiki energy to feel less stress and relaxed. To let go go subconscious patterns and bring awareness to make better decisions in life that have better outcomes.
Peace Love Light Abundance Positivity